Jan-Feb 2014 Corvid roost, Grey Phalarope, Mediterranean Gull, Chinese Water Heron
Feb-Mar 2014 Capercaillie, American Coot, Myrtle Warbler, Adder, Marsh Frog
May 2014 Pearl-bordered Fritillary, Duke of Burgundy, Sword-leaved Helleborine, Early Spider Orchid, Man Orchid, Monkey Orchid, Solomon's Seal, Club-tailed Dragonfly, mayflies, breeding Black-winged Stilts, London Blyth's Reed Warbler and Red-rumped Swallow.
Apr 2014 Pasqueflower, Black-winged Stilts, Glaucous Gull, Adders, Slowworm, Early Purple Orchid, Bluebells, Grizzled Skipper, Large Bee-fly
Click the links below and on the slideshow to take you to the relevant month or date, where you can read about my latest articles plus wildlife highlights, some of which are listed to whet your appetite...
James Lowen
June 2014
30 June: Damsel, not in distress
28 June: Twiggy
25 June: The mother of all blog posts
22 June: Whores, horehounds and red-veins
18 June: Pink stink, white delight
17 June: Lector turns lepidopterist
13 June: Good hair day
10 June: Winter in summer
8 June: Inda Indy (on Sunday)
7 June: Dammit, Thanet, I love you
1 June: The eagle has landed
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