James Lowen
Let's hope it avoids trains running along the adjacent line, and cars entering the reserve car park, and survives through till next year.
Possibly my favourite moment was when it swooped past a couple of monopod lengths away. But the views of it perched weren't bad either. I have never seen a Leo/LEO/L-eO this well.
... or, better, LEO. Or, actually, L-eO. Whatever way you write it, birders will recognise the abbreviation-cum-acronym. It's short for Long-eared Owl. One of the more exciting records recently - beating my views of Norfolk's first Lesser Scaup, for a start - has been Drew Lyness's discovery that Long-eared Owls have bred at RSPB Strumpshaw Fen. Nesting was suspected a couple of years ago, with adults being seen at dusk on spring/summer days.
This year a remarkably tame juvenile has been frequenting the area around Reception at Strumpshaw. Although I only saw it briefly do its most daftest trick, sitting on the 'what birds can you see?' noticeboard, it gave spectacular views to a respectful audience that kept its distance.
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