
James Lowen 


1 Aug 2022 Salty Norfolk

Although health, family and work kept my July mothing almost entirely to home, I did manage the odd night out - and benefit from the odd pot twitch (not something I do much of any more, but occasionally I am bribed with caffeine... a 'coffee'). So let's start with some unusual or otherwise enjoyable moths from the Norfolk Broads, from a garden on the Yare Valley and from another northwest of Norwich. Thanks to the kind moth-ers involved: you know who you are. 


A night on a Norfolk salt marsh was also fun, even if the wind was stronger than desirable. Classy macros included a brace each of Crescent Striped and Marbled Clover, plus a mouth full of Dog's-tooth. The micros stole the show, however, with a few new for me. The highlight was what was ostensibly the fifth county record of Eucosma lacteana alongside the saltmarsh specialist congener E. tripoliana. I say 'ostensibly', because a significant discovery of caterpillars has yet to be submitted, two adults were found at the same place as us a few days later, and this Sea Aster feeder is doubtless vastly under-recorded.