
14 Nov 2018

Other Colombian wildlife

From exceedingly venomous snakes, to paternal frogs, metamorphosing cicadas and stunning moths.


19 Nov 2018  Colombia

I was in Colombia from 3-9 Nov, part of a friendly ragbag of journos and tour leaders invited by ProColombia to join a trip initiated by BirdLife International in recognition of ProColombia being a 'Species Champion' for Canada Warbler in BirdLife's Preventing Extinctions Programme. This page consolidates the five blogs I have written about the trip, thereby providing a jump-off point for exploration of the Central Colombian Andes. Click the underlined hyperlinks​ to access each page.

11 Nov 2018

South American Birdfair

South America's vibrant answer to the British Birdwatching Fair at Rutland.

12 Nov 2018


Colombia's sexy, hyperactive hummingbirds in as much glory as my camera could muster.

15 Nov 2018

Colombia's rares

The globally threatened species of birds that we gawped at during our oh-so-short week.


James Lowen 

13 Nov 2018

Tanagers and other birds

A kaleidoscope of tanagers whirling through the canopy - plus other smart birds too.