
The camera catches far more than the eye can see, clearly. But what was visible to us was majesterial - a jaw-dropping honour to witness. The thing is, though: it just makes me want more...

James Lowen 



11 October 2024 Borealis

It's been an amazing couple of years for Aurora borealis displays. I was treated to a fabulous evening last November. But I managed to sleep straight through the sensational showing in May (when all I would have to have done was open the bedroom curtains). And - prompted by a RED ALERT - I have driven hell for leather to areas of dar skies both prior and subsequent to this... and dipped. So, personally speaking, UK auroras have very much been unfinished business. Last night I had just finished a 12-hour survey, shopped for food, cooked said food and was eating when I noticed a Red Alert. Only this one seemed rather higher than the normal threshold for such notifications. It was quickly followed by urgent messages from friends Will and Dave. I made my apologies at home and headed through drizzle for Buxton Heath. Upon arrival, I could see stars, and over the next 90 minutes, enjoyed some splendid lightships with Will, Sarah and Phil.