James Lowen
Roger Butler, The Great Outdoors magazine
"[Lowen] discovers folk who have spent a fair part of their lives protecting their local rarity. After reading his book, you might become one of them."
Helen Pilcher, in conversation with Smart Think Books
"My favourite smart-thinking book...Entertaining, funny and fosters a much-needed love of the wild."
Jon Dunn's twelve Books of Christmas 2021 included Much Ado...
Garden News magazine
"An inspiring story".
Birdguides.com (Josh Jones)
"Written by someone who so ably conveys his passion, Much Ado About Mothing is an enthralling 20-chapter celebration of these winged insects. Accompanied by his abiding enthusiasm and wonder, Lowen's writing is entertaining, packed with descriptive prose and fascinating facts about his quarry... I thoroughly recommend allcomers to pick up a copy of Much Ado About Mothing and let Lowen show you that moths are most deserving of anybody's focus and attention. I fully anticipate that this book will inspire a new wave of moth-ers of all ages and from all backgrounds to spring up across our isles – and that can only be a good thing, both for moths and for us." Read the full review here. (An abridged version was published in Birdwatch.)
John Feltwell, for Wildlife Matters
"Unique and unrivalled". Read the whole review here.
BBC Countryfile magazine (Dominic Couzens)
"Written with craft and class... The ride is as mad as a moth's meanders." (June 2021)
Nigel Marven, TV presenter, on Twitter: "a great read"
Countryside magazine - one of 18 books to get for Christmas!
The full review is available online, albeit only to subscribers.
Paul Cheney (HalfManHalfBook)
4.5 stars out of 5! The review's concluding paragraph is below. Read Paul's full review here.
Rob Grimmond, Somerset Moth Group
"Wonderfully exemplifies British eccentricity... excellent, well-written, informative... I highly recommend it."
Other press coverage - relevant as the whole purpose of the book is to expand awareness of (the good side) of moths among the wider public, rather than solely naturalists - has included a piece quoting me and the book in TheMail on Sunday on 30 May and coverage by Tony Blackburn in Broadcasting House on BBC Radio 4 at 09h48 the same day. I've also done a handful of radio interviews, including BBC Radio London.
Dave Grundy, Comma (magazine of West Midlands branch of Butterfly Conservation)
"A great way with words... brings moths to life. A great read."
John Ingham, The Daily Express
"A charming new book" (14 May 2021)
Ashleigh Whiffin, BBC Wildlife magazine
"A throughly enjoyable read" offering "rather good PR for moths". Read the review here or see below. (online 18 May 2021, published in hard copy in July 2021 issue)
Country Life magazine
"Book of the week", June 2021
Richard Jones, for the Royal Entomological Society
"Using clearwing pheromone lures and light traps, sleeping in cars, shivering on mountainsides, or clambering down precipitous gorges, Lowen brings a charm and wit to these close encounters [with moths], making them personal and intimate, and a delight to read." Read the full review here.
David Bradley science communicator and regular reviewer for broadsheets etc.
"In his wonderful new book, James Lowen, challenges those dusty preconceptions about moths... Lowen shows us just what most people seem to miss about moths – their natural beauty. If you are not yet convinced, then delve into Lowen’s book, it will astonish and intrigue even the hardiest of mottephobe. If you love or loathe lepidoptera buy this book, Lowen’s wonderful enthusiasm will give you a mental boost either way..."
Peter Marren, British Wildlife
Adrian Spalding, Atropos magazine
"I loved this book"
Mark Avery's Sunday Book Review
"A very good read... Highly enjoyable...". (April 2021)
Read the full review here.
Twitter comments from well-known moth-ers, conservationists, writers
Julie Williams (CEO, Butterfly Conservation), Richard Lewington (illustrator), the late Douglas Boyes (academic), Sean Clancy (author), Dave Grundy (guide), Ben Hoare (author), Keith Kerr, Richard 'Bugman' Jones (author), Nick Acheson (Norfolk Wildlife Trust ambassador), Stuart Butchart (BirdLife International conservationist).
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