

James Lowen 

Lying prostrate on the ground, covered in mud, I swiftly caught the attention of quite a number of dog-walkers and other daily visitors to the park. It was lovely to chat to them about the frogs, and the park more widely. I met John, the park keeper, who has counted 150 lots of spawn here in previous years, thus calculating that at least 300 frogs use the park. Finally, I bumped into Yoav Perlman, in a contemplative mood following his recent return from the rubbish dumps of India...

There were probably 30 pairs in amplexus (mating), and another 50 or so singletons (presumably males) dotted around, waiting for their chance. There was also the odd trio (more of which further down).

This particular trio caught my eye. They were motionless on the surface when I arrived, and I initially assumed they were dead. They most definitely were not! 

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28 Feb 2017  Frogporn

On Sunday afternoon, shortly after we returned from southern Spain, Mikee Hoit tipped me off that around 100 Common Frog were crowding out the small pond in Heigham Park, Norwich. I volunteered for the school run this morning, then spent an enjoyable 90 minutes observing and photographing their antics.