James Lowen
Finally, an article on the BirdLife International Partnership's Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBAs) in the magazine World Birdwatch. Here is the first page.
I was equally honoured to be asked by Marianne Taylor to be one of her wildlife experts for a piece about non-avian wildlife in the RSPB magazine, Nature's Home. With a microscope, you might even be able to see a wee photo of me, bottom right. Hitting the big time!
Also in Bird Watching magazine, I was touched to be included in a special pull-out on bird photography in the June issue. This showcased the work of some of the world's top bird photographers, including well-known names such as David Tipling and key collaborator on my next book, Oliver Smart. My image - of Chinstrap Penguins in Antarctica - was given a full double-spread, and also included on the contents page. I wonder if double use means double payment...
The March 2015 issue of Scottish Birds included an article by bird observatory warden David Parnaby on Fair Isle'srecord-breaking year in 2014. Three of my images were selected to illustrate the piece.
A few bits and pieces in recent publications. First up, the latest two instalments of my monthly column 'Beyond birdwatching' in Bird Watching magazine: eulogising orchids and dragonflies.
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